October 02, 2021 2 min read

Having a well-trained dog is a joy for any pet owner. Not only does it make your furry friend more obedient, but it also strengthens the bond between you and your canine companion. One impressive trick you can teach your dog is how to shake hands. Not only is it a fun and interactive trick, but it also showcases your dog's intelligence and obedience. In this blog post, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of teaching your dog to shake hands.

Step 1: Establish a Positive Reinforcement System

Before you begin training your dog to shake hands, it is important to establish a positive reinforcement system. This means rewarding your dog with treats, praise, or both whenever they exhibit the desired behaviour. Positive reinforcement is a proven method that encourages dogs to repeat the behaviour that earns them a reward.

Step 2: Start with the Basics

Begin by teaching your dog basic commands such as "sit" and "stay." These commands lay the foundation for more advanced tricks like shaking hands. Make sure your dog is comfortable and responsive to these basic commands before moving on to the next step.

Step 3: Introduce the Hand Gesture

Once your dog is familiar with basic commands, it's time to introduce the hand gesture for shaking hands. Start by extending your hand towards your dog's paw and say the command "shake" or "paw." Gently touch your dog's paw and reward them with a treat and praise when they respond by lifting their paw.

Step 4: Reinforce the Behaviour

Consistency is key when training your dog. Practice the hand gesture and command regularly, gradually reducing the physical touch until your dog lifts their paw on command without any assistance. Remember to reward your dog each time they successfully shake hands.

Step 5: Add the Verbal Cue

Once your dog consistently responds to the hand gesture, it's time to add a verbal cue to the trick. Say the command "shake" or "paw" just before extending your hand. With repetition, your dog will associate the verbal cue with shaking hands.

Step 6: Generalise the Behaviour

Now that your dog has mastered shaking hands in a controlled environment, it's important to generalise the behaviour. Practice the trick in different locations and with various distractions. This will help your dog understand that the command applies in any situation.

Step 7: Maintain and Expand the Trick Repertoire

Once your dog has successfully learned how to shake hands, continue to reinforce the behaviour regularly. You can also expand their trick repertoire by teaching them other impressive tricks such as "high five" or "wave."

Remember, patience and consistency are key when training your dog. Each dog learns at their own pace, so be sure to adapt the training process to suit your dog's individual needs. With time and practice, your dog will be shaking hands like a pro!

Check out our Tasty Treats to help with training here.

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