October 02, 2021 2 min read

Why is teaching your dog to lay down important?

Teaching your dog to lay down is an essential command that every dog owner should prioritise. It provides mental stimulation for your furry friend and helps establish you as the leader, and strengthens the bond between you and your dog. Additionally, the "lay down" command can be a life-saving skill in certain situations, such as when you need your dog to stay calm and still.

Step 1: Choose the right time and place

When starting the training process, picking a quiet and distraction-free environment is crucial. This will help your dog focus and minimise any potential interruptions. Make sure you have some tasty treats on hand to use as rewards.

Step 2: Start with the "sit" command

Before teaching your dog to lay down, they should already be familiar with the "sit" command. If your dog hasn't mastered this command yet, spend some time reinforcing it before moving on to the next step.

Step 3: Get your dog's attention

Hold a treat close to your dog's nose and slowly move it down towards the ground. As your dog follows the treat with their nose, their body will naturally lower into a lying position. Use a verbal cue like "lay down" as they start to lower themselves.

Step 4: Reward and repeat

As soon as your dog successfully lays down, praise them and give them the treat. Positive reinforcement is key to training. Repeat this process several times, gradually reducing the use of the treat and relying more on verbal cues and praise.

Step 5: Add the hand signal

Once your dog consistently responds to the verbal cue, it's time to introduce a hand signal. Choose a simple and distinct hand movement, such as a sweeping motion with your hand towards the ground. Use the hand signal simultaneously with the verbal cue, and reward your dog when they respond correctly.

Step 6: Generalise the command

Practice the "lay down" command in different locations and with various distractions. This will help your dog understand that the command applies in any situation. Gradually increase the difficulty level by asking your dog to lay down from a distance or while they are in motion.

Step 7: Maintain consistency and patience

Consistency is key when training your dog. Always use the same verbal cue and hand signal, and reward your dog for their successful response. Remember to be patient and understanding, as every dog learns at their own pace. Celebrate small victories and keep the training sessions short and enjoyable.


Teaching your dog to lay down is a valuable skill that enhances their obedience and strengthens your bond. By following these step-by-step instructions and maintaining consistency, you'll be well on your way to having a well-trained and obedient canine companion.

If you need some tasty treats to help with training, click here.

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